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Projects with Underserved Communities

Thailand 2019

Community // Service // Engineering

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Our Team


We are a team of 6 engineers and 1 social worker who are combining their expertise to implement this project and partner with the Thai community.

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The Community


We will be traveling to a primary school in Suphan Buri, Thailand. These kids come from separated families and often receive their only meal at school. 

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Our Partners


With the help of our NGO contact and The Church of the New Covenant in Suphan Buri, we are learning about how we can best help the school.

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The Problem


The current kitchen at the school uses water from the bathrooms, which violates federal food safety tests. It is also too small to serve all the students.

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Our Solution


We are designing a new larger kitchen and serving area with a dedicated water line. This will improve sanitation and food distribution.



To successfully complete and implement this project, we need to raise the appropriate funds. Please feel free to donate here.

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